Features Highlight
AiSCENE™ enabled, including color sensing, object recognition, customers counting* & sensing
Controlled by AiSCENE™ Retail App via Bluetooth
Universal input voltage 100-240Vac
3 different installations: track spotlight, canopy pendant light and surface lights
Universal track systems(3wire 1circuit, and 2wire 1circuit)
Up to 90 lm/W with CRI 95(Type.)
Flicker Free according to CEC-400-2016-018-FS, Title 24 part 6 JA8
360°rotation (horizontal), 90° adjustable(vertical)
Sleek, compact cylinder housing and no visible screws
Passive cooling achieved by innovative thermal design
Customers counting under development
Adaptive light spectrum one for all different colour of commodities,
Dynamically automatic & autonomous color sensing to enhance according to specified commodities colour
More engaging shopping experience thanks to the AiSCENE™ lighting performance
Data-driven* for in-depth retail analytics, including sales metrics, customer-centric metrics, commodities metric
Dashboard for store management, including heat-map, customers counting, etc
*Data-driven under development
Fashion shop, food store, art-gallery, car deal, museum, and more