It's a hot summer every year in Shenzhen, so Kinglumi made it an annual tradition to cool off with Watermelon Eating Contest.
A total of 60 contestants participated in this year's Watermelon Eating Contest held on 23th, June in Kinglumi company. All participants are from 6 different departments including production, R&D, international sales, procurement, HR and quality department. Each department sent 10 representatives to take part in contest so 6 groups of contestants competed against each other to win contest.
The object of the contest for each group is to finish a big watermelon of same size in the shortest amount of time so speed of eating is the deciding factor of the contest. During contest, participants can eat watermelon with any style but need to consume watermelon down to the rind. International sales team started firstly when starting signal was given and then came with R&D team. All of contestants felt excited and thrilled, created symphony of chomping and slurping sounds and enjoyed the crisp taste of watermelon.
Production team was finally declared the winner after eating watermelon right down to the rind in only 50sec,1min, which was followed by R&D team with 57sec,1min. All members of the winning team received a lovely prize which's though not published.
Watermelon-eating contest is just one of cultural events held in Kinglumi to create a strong workplace culture full of fun, passion and love. Our next cultural event will come soon and look more appealing with your attendance.