In terms of restaurant lighting, it's significant to create a kind of relaxing and comfortable lighting atmosphere and settings that can bring customers a sense of warmth and pleasure. The light output of restaurant lighting fixtures should be controlled within a certain proper levels- neither too bright nor dim. At this point, dim-to-warm dimming solution is suited to be adopted for restaurant lighting design in order to build flexible and multiple lighting settings that blend well with restaurant architectural styles.
Kinglumi designs and manufactures a broad selection of lights for restaurants and bars that's perfected used for restaurant applications. This project as shown in picture covers our Dim to warm light fixtures which's able to dim down from 2700K to 2000K to create a warmer temperatures. In comparison with the traditional dimming solutions, the dim -to-warm lighting solution not only save power consumptions effectively but also makes it easy to create warm and soft light atmosphere. With contemporary forms and colors, these LED light fixtures by Kinglumi fit in well with exiting interior space to bring people a sense of aesthetics, elegance and welcome.